Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spinal Tap

The First Word:

The Abstract 
         Desolation Angels. 
Into the Wild
Nine Stories.
The Songlines,
Still Life With Woodpecker.
Jitterbug Perfume. 

I have to say, doing this "Spine Poetry" was a lot of fun, but much more difficult than I thought it would be. So many of the books that I own have titles that are poetic on their own, but that don't stand too well when joined together. 

The above is the best I could do, and I'm satisfied with it, but I kind of wish I could have made a more riveting poem (like the examples I'd seen online of such poetry). C'est la vie. 

Tonight in class I will be presenting on Aaron Reed's "Whom the Telling Changed." This is a work of (mostly) hypertext fiction with some flash elements that, essentially, plays around with the nature of storytelling.

In playing and researching this IF text I came across Mr. Reed's website and his own data analysis of those who played his game in 2006 at the "Slamdance Guerrilla Gamemaker Competition" in Utah. 

The statistics can be found HERE and I will be referencing them throughout my presentation. 

I will save the rest of the information on "Whom the Telling Changed" for the presentation in class, as to not reveal any exciting or pertinent information just yet. 

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