Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First Link to Hypertext

TITLE: Clouds Casting Shadows


Our thoughts and memories are all that we have, though both are more transitory and fickle than we'd care to admit. One thought will lead us to another, then a memory is recalled, an image, a place, a song, another thought, and so on ad infinitum. "Clouds Casting Shadows" follows the inner monologue of a man in his late 30's as he gazes at a valley below him. His journey through life has brought him through a tumultuous relationship with another man that spanned over a decade, an inspirational sister who speaks her wisdom from the beyond, a failed writing career and various locations around America. Your decisions will shape the tangents his thoughts take and what will be revealed and recalled. Is there a grander meaning to our lives or is it merely all the clouds of memory that shift strange into passing shadows?


- As of right now I suggest clicking "draught" when given the option instead of "nonsense." The "draught" tangent has plenty more to play with and discover at the moment. Feel free to click anything, but there are several dead ends that still exist as I try to sort out the various story lines. 

- You may notice that some pages are numbered. Friends of mine who have tested the site have played around with the numbers and discovered unlinked pages that exist. I don't suggest doing this, as there is no concrete ordering of the pages and most numbers are there for me to keep track of what page was written when. If you'd like to put in numbers and investigate what comes up you are more than welcome to, but none of them will lead you anywhere and may distract from the story you are following while you click. 

- There are random clues thrown around images and text throughout the story, I won't say where or what, but certain things you read may come back again and shape a decision that you make. 


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hypertextual Awakenings

Wowsers. Pardon my silliness, I just can't wrap my head around the project I am working on.

After last week's class I sat down with my binder and started to scribble down ideas for my project. Pretty soon I had written dozens of pages and the following days only brought more ideas.

I can't explain much of what is happening right now, because I don't want to spoil the fun for anyone who decides to play around with my story, but I will link to the main page of my story if anyone would like to read it:

Clouds Casting Shadows

The title is still a work in progress, though I think I like it enough to stick with it until the end. There are other ideas that I have been playing around with, but for now this is the best one.

I can't post a site map to this just yet, due to the fact that I haven't organized the pages I have typed up or decided what links should go where. The story I am writing is non-sequential, happening mostly in the thoughts and inner-monologues of the narrator as he gazes at a wide valley below him. As the shadows of clouds pass over the field he is reminded of a former lover of his. Their relationship spanned a decade before ending, and then seven years have passed since the end of their time together. The narrator is recalling his own life, and the way it weaved with that of his lover, and all the trials and tribulations they were put through, but he has a difficult time recalling the specific details and physical appearance of his lover.

There's more to it, but again I think it would be more fun to explore the story for the first time than to give away the various plot points that may arise as the story unfolds for the reader.

I'm having a lot of fun writing this, and even more fun playing with the idea of hyperlinks within the text that bring readers throughout the story and across the internet (in some instances).

This is sort of a rambling post, but I don't know what else to say just yet. I just know that I'm really excited for how this will turn out!